Introducing a faster and more fun activity tracking experience with 4.08.
We had a blast with this release, and it’s all thanks to the great feedback you have been sending. Please keep it up by sending us a message to or @anydistance. Let's dig right in!
Here is the TL;DR.
→ A slick new design for tracking and your activity summaries.
→ See the current temperature and weather conditions before you start.
→ Way more Andi! Catch our beloved mascot before you start an activity. (Sound on when starting)
→ Optimized when and how we use your location.
→ Easily hide your activity route and location from your friends.
→ See your heartbeat in your activity summary.
→ Navigate the rest of the app while tracking.
→ Much improved media upload and deletion.
→ Lots of BTS fixes and improvements.
A new design for starting, tracking and your activity summaries
Activity tracking is easier than ever in version 4.08 with a redesign of the starting, tracking, and summary experience. Not only that, it's more helpful. We now show you the temperature and weather conditions before you get started!
🎤 Make sure to have your sound on to hear Andi speak as you get started.
This update also includes a bunch more Andi! We have so many plans for your little pal and how he helps, motivates, and celebrates your active lifestyle. Stay tuned.
Optimizing when and where we use your location.
With the 4.08 release, we've taken extra measures to ensure that we only use your location when absolutely necessary. As a result, you should see the location indicator less frequently, which is great for privacy and battery life.
Heart Rate data has now been incorporated into your activity summary with this update! Simply scroll through the summary to see it.
As a reminder, we store as little data as possible and will never sell your data. For more information on this, please read our Privacy Commitment.
Extended Privacy for Active Clubs
You can now toggle your location and route map entirely on or off when posting to your Active Club. While we built Active Clubs to be about close friends and safety, we know that sometimes hiding your location entirely is still necessary.
The new toggle will be available for all new posts, and you can edit an existing post by hitting the ... menu and tapping "Edit".
Oh yeah, we won an Apple Design Award!
We are both honored and humbled to have been selected as an Apple Design Award winner for Visuals and Graphics this year. The team is immensely grateful for the support received from our community, investors, and friends over the past 2 years. We now have the cube, and there is so much more to come!
Check out this 'Behind the Design' article from Apple.
Here is a quick video of our CEO, Luke Beard, on stage at Apple Park, collecting the award on behalf of the team. A huge shout out to Gentler Streaks for being incredibly supportive!
Thanks again for using Any Distance. Please keep it up by sending us a message to or @anydistance.
Luke, Dan, Ari, and AK.